Akropolis - Blockchain Pensions Infrastructure

Hello to all and welcome to my ICO review . For those of you who don't know me yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Funke and I'm an experienced writer who enjoys what he does very much. I'm here to give you all the information you might need or want about the Blockchain Pensions Infrastructure. I plan to make them “easy read, to the point” because what's important to me is that we all comprehend and absorb the information and actually want to be here learning together about something new.
Today, let us all learn and experience together all about Akropolis. If you don't know anything about them, don't run away, that's why I'm here, to change that within the next few minutes. Before I begin, I just want to quickly mention that I will be including LINKS so that YOU can do your own research or whatever you feel you need. I feel it's best to have all of the information in one place, in an organised manner, rather than dotted about the page making what you want hard to find or confusing. All these links will be put at the BOTTOM of this page to keep things easy.
Akropolis is a transparent, decentralized, accountable, and mobile retirement infrastructure. The ecosystem, which is building the project, is designed to make the pension payment system more modern and more equitable. The Akropolis platform is designed to provide the users with the transition from the existing pension infrastructure to more flexible, transparent and accountable system. The basic services are free of charge, but the platform will also have expanded (premium) services, the list of which will increase as the platform develops.
I am going to get straight to the point of who they are since this is such an important factor, as I like to put it, “The Brains behind Akropolis”. If the team behind the product or service in question haven't the resources or knowledge, then we know the product or service delivered will possibly not have the quality it should have. We need to know two very important things when we look at a new starting up company:
Who are the people/team behind this?
What experience and knowledge do they possess?
Okay, so, because I've already done all the research needed beforehand and thoroughly Akropolis I can very happily confirm that this company has a fabulous team onboard. Here they are:

This sort of quality is inspiring. They have made sure to supply us with all the information we could possibly need, on them personally as a team, aswell as them as a company. They are acting transparently and therefore receiving the trust they deserve from investors and potential users, like you and I.
On their website, https://akropolis.io/ you can visit the “Team” section and simply by clicking on each team member's image or name you will be redirected to their professional profiles. Here you may consult and analyse each individual's expertise as much as you like. It's all been put there for us to see that they have what it takes to achieve their goals with ease.
A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Constantly growing as ‘completed’ blocks (the most recent transactions) are recorded and added to it in chronological order, it allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central record keeping. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which is downloaded automatically.
Akropolis has the ultimate aspiration of using blockchain in the development of a centralized pension platform with a variety of blockchains such as EOS, Cardano, and RSK to deliver a trustless range of retirement savings products. The leverage of recent technological development with a transparent, portable and accountable pension service to modern workers is one the Akropolis goals.
As a technology platform, Akropolis is designed to address some of the deep-seated structural issues experienced in today’s global pension sector. Akropolis also features a multi-jurisdictional platform for everyday delivery of pensions, future benefits and social welfare in a manner that is simple and in time brings together to new incentive system both end users and large institutional players.
The main users of the platform will be the private users (pension investors), pension funds, investment funds, asset tokenizers and external developers who will be rewarded for their contribution to improving the platform. The platform will form a holistic ecosystem around the global pension economy.
Individuals (pensioners) will be able to save and increase pension savings thanks to Acropolis. They will have a personal access key to the system and a personal account;
Commercial and public funds will be able to create their own infrastructure within the ecosystem and attract pensioners;
Fund managers will be able to manage placed assets from individuals and pension funds;
The task of intermediaries is to "digitize" real assets and confirm authenticity upon request. For example, an ordinary pensioner places the national currency in the Acropolis system, and the intermediary is obliged to issue tokens to the user for the amount of funds;
Developers in the form of individuals or companies will provide the development of convenient services for all users for withdrawal and Deposit of funds.
There are several aspects of this platform that make it distinct such as:This platform is designed to solve the pension deficit problem. As per Citigroup, there are government pension liabilities that are unfunded and often dwarf government debt.
Akropolis is designed to help rid the flaws by the transparent and immutable smart contract based platform which helps structure pension funds and transactions of the same.
Technology of this platform will help overcome the problems that lead to pension fund deposits. It helps to create a transparent system whereby future risks can be foreseen and thwarted or resilience built for the same.
Tokenization as well as harnessing the blockchain helps improve economic efficiency in the allocation of pension funds as well as reduce the middleman fees applicable.
Users of the framework have complete control of the pension fund account allocation, to check services and terms as well as transact or contact authorities with their queries.
Provision of a pension record that is secure, immutable and transparent with ease of auditing and real-time feedback.
Secure peer to peer lending by leveraging the use of smart contracts.
Monetization of data by users
A portable, decentralized and single source of pension truth.
The same protocol for fee and performance reporting.
A transparent governance protocol and outcomes.
Presence of a ranking mechanism and incentivized accountability for pension funds to differentiate between good or bad actors.
A new source of capital pool such as cryptocurrencies.
A modern product and services that meets users’ needs for real-time data and feedback.
Tamper-proof data storage for transparency.
Singular onboarding event.
Easy verification of document and authentication of counterparties.
The total token supply is 900 million, and a token goes for $0.069. The hardcap is 25 million USD with a supply of 360 million tokens for sale. Token will be distributed to investors, teams, advisors, marketing team, and bounties. Two main tokens (Akropolis internal token and Akropolis external token) will be used on the platform. The external token is a fixed supply token whose price will be determined by market forces, while the external token is an arbitrary one. They are simply denoted as AIT and AKT respectively
Total Token Supply: 900,000,000
Hard Cap: $25,000,000
Maximum token amount for sale: 360,000,000
Maximum Token Amount for Sale (%): 40%
Token Price (USD/ETH rate locked 48 hours before the TGE): $0.069
Token Sale: 40% - 360,000,000
Advisors, Early supporters: 10% - 90,000,000
Marketing, Ecosystem Development: 10% - 90,000,000
Team (vesting in place): 20% - 180,000,000
Reserve Fund, Partnerships: 20% - 180,000,000
Akropolis aims to use technology in bringing about a future that is sustainable and increases resilience in the face of future risks.
To harness the power of blockchain and blockchain tokenization in the creation of transparent and economic efficient coin that uses minimum fee erosion.
I hope you have enjoyed today's review and my company along the way. Thanks for taking the time and will hopefully see you all in the next one.
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